Vorbuchner GmbH & Co. KG
Oberaign 8
84558 Kirchweidach
TEL: +49 0 8623 98 55 08 – 0
FAX: +49 0 8623 98 55 08 – 9
E-Mail: info@vorbuchner.com
Register court: Local court Traunstein
Register number: HRA 10335
Personally liable partner of
Vorbuchner GmbH & Co. KG:
Vorbuchner Verwaltungs GmbH
Managing director of Vorbuchner Verwaltungs GmbH:
Wilhelm Vorbuchner
Register court: Traunstein local court
Register number: HRB 19730
Professional regulations:
Managing Director: Wilhelm Vorbuchner (Federal Republic of Germany)
Competent chamber: Munich Chamber of Crafts
Professional regulations: Crafts Code (http://bundesrecht.juris.de/hwo/index.html)
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a sales tax law: DE-815156855
Editorial responsibility: Wilhelm Vorbuchner, Bergstraße 3, 84558 Kirchweidach
Liability notice:
We assume no responsibility or liability for the information on this website. Our aim is to provide up-to-date and accurate information. However, we cannot guarantee that the information available on this website is actually up-to-date, comprehensive, complete or accurate.
The information provided is of a general nature and is not intended to meet the specific needs of any particular person or business. In particular, it is not intended to provide advice.
Where this website refers to other websites, we cannot influence their content and cannot accept any responsibility for it.