New construction of a helium recovery plant

- delivery of a helium recovery plant
- ballon 30m³
- high pressure compressor (1x WP4351)
- Oil Remover System
- high pressure distribution panel
- gasmeters
- boil-off stations
- gas quality measurement
- feed-out for low quality gas
- Trailer refilling
- automatic distribution of gasflow with the HPDP
- complete piping from process lines to high pressure storage
Realization date
12/2021Performance data
Capacity Compressor: 87 m³/h
Capacity GHe:
- 1 HP-Storage 30m³ @ 200 Bar
- 1 Ballon 30m³
4 storage groups
3 boil-off stations for mobile dewars
4 process lines
Technical University Dresden
Institute for energy technology
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. et Ing. habil. Christoph Haberstroh
tel.: +49 (351) 463-33406; -32548
George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden