Delivery of a Helium Recovery System in a Container
- Delivery of a Helium Recovery System in a Container
- Helium ballon 15m³
- Helium compressor (1x WP4341)
- Oil Remover System
- High Pressure Distribution Panel
- High Pressure Analysis Panel
- Gasmeter
- Mobile dewar station
- He Storage 4.800L @ 200 Bar
- Automatic gas distribution with the helium distribution panel
- Automatic gas analysis
- High-purity gas piping within the building
- Installation of all system components
- Commissioning of the entire system
Realization date
11/2022Performance data
Compressor capacity: 43 m³/h
Storage Capacity GHe:
- 8 bundels @ 600L @ 200 Bar
- 1 Ballon 15m³
2 Storage groups
2 Mobile dewar stations
4 process connections
Saupfercheckweg 1
69117 Heidelberg